
Showing posts from April 7, 2013

Now, You can tell BIRTHDAY Date of your friends.

Now,  You can tell   BIRTHDAY Date of your friends.   joke : .( without asking them ) Tell your friend to write down his/her birthday. Required  (1) a pencil and a paper  or  (2)  a calculator Trick ( 10 Steps) Say ... ::   (birthday date of your friend )                    ( Day Month Year)                    ( _ _      _ _     _ _ _ _  ) Tell your friend to write down the  number of the month  he/she was born. Step 1 : Multiply the  number of the month  by  4 Step 2 :  Add  13 Step 3 :  Multiply by  25 Step 4 :  Subtract  200 Step 5 :  Add the  day  of the month   he/she was born. Step 6 :  Multiply by  2 Step 7 :  Subtract  40 Step 8 :  Multiply by  50 Step 9 :...